Quote Originally Posted by Cmcm2297 View Post
Yet again you act as if I'm attacking the game plan or you which I'm not. I said running with the QB in this game is broken and gave a couple examples from the league that is actively having games. I encourage people to use it while its available, but it needs tweaking. I didn't say get rid of running with the QB. I didn't even say limit the usage. The effectiveness of running with QBs in the game is broken. Thats all I said.
Right, you keep saying that while offering no supporting arguments. I'm saying I disagree while offering supporting arguments. You seem to be more caught up on how I feel about it than the actual point of the conversation. I get where you're coming from. I understand your perspective. I just disagree. We can disagree without it getting emotional. You say it needs tweaking but you don't think usage should be limited. How should it be tweaked? Should QB's be limited to 4ypc? Should they fumble every 5 carries? What exactly are you proposing? The effectiveness is not broken. If that was the case then I wouldn't have RB's with higher averages than my QB. For Detroit, Patterson is averaging 5.7ypa vs Brissett who is averaging 4.95. On my team Chuba Hubbard is averaging 11ypc (albeit on only 16att) and Caleb Huntley is avg 6.76ypc vs Allen avg 6.95ypc. I think at some point we have to take scheme and personnel into account don't we?
I know you're not mad at me man. I'm not mad at you either for bringing it up. Like I said it's worth having a conversation about, I just disagree with your conclusion. Sometimes I use the word mad as an expression and not necessarily to mean angry or pissed. You've been one of my day 1's so trust me I'm not trippin over this at all. I'm just defending my stance. If you can come up with a valid argument to counter mine then I'm happy to hear it out. I can talk football all day everyday, just ask my wife lol.