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Thread: Standings

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2021


    Does head to head record not matter in the standings? In one league me and another team are both 8-2 and I just beat them but I'm still 2nd in the division.

  2. #2
    Looks like the 2nd sorting category used in the standings after overall record is points for...I'm not sure what the tiebreakers are for the league.

  3. #3
    Im pretty sure its point difference

  4. #4
    King of the World
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    Yes, it is point difference for both the division standing and playoff seedings. Simple to code and probably more accurately selects the stronger team than the NFL tiebreakers.
    Lead Developer of Sandbox Simulations

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by cdcox View Post
    Yes, it is point difference for both the division standing and playoff seedings. Simple to code and probably more accurately selects the stronger team than the NFL tiebreakers.

    That there pretty much adds to the fact that this is an alternate reality.


  6. #6
    King of the World
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    It pretty much starts with 24 team leagues, which are needed to get enough viable starters at every position. Once we made that decision, things like playoff structure, tiebreakers, overtime rules, schedule are either necessary or small potatoes.
    Lead Developer of Sandbox Simulations

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