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Thread: trade are not working

  1. #1

    trade are not working

    I been trying to make a trade for the last five min. and the game keep kidding me out how can you play a game if the game dont work can some one see what going on please

  2. #2
    I just saw the trade you offered so see if it works now.

  3. #3
    that was not the problem was when all done making the offer and then when you go send it it kicks you out of the game. them you have to start all over and it keep doing that for the next five to six times that not good for the game.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by pit1232 View Post
    that was not the problem was when all done making the offer and then when you go send it it kicks you out of the game. them you have to start all over and it keep doing that for the next five to six times that not good for the game.
    Agree to the trade and ask the other party to write up the offer

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by pit1232 View Post
    that was not the problem was when all done making the offer and then when you go send it it kicks you out of the game. them you have to start all over and it keep doing that for the next five to six times that not good for the game.
    I haven't encountered this problem yet. Maybe a browser issue?

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