Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan of this idea, but first let me make sure I understand correctly. You want to divide unused cap space evenly amongst the league and add it to the 450 we get? If I'm not mistaken, as it stands, don't we keep half our leftover cap? Since I'm pretty active on FA I get the appeal of splitting up the money since the bot teams would theoretically have more money. I just don't like the idea of my money being pooled in with everyone else's whether it's $2 or $200. I also feel like it's punishing the more active leagues since they'd have less money to divide as well as stiffer competition to face in FA.

I like the way it is now so that when new owners take over a team they have a substantial amount of cap space to play with and prepare their team. Some of these abandoned teams aren't even teams anymore and dividing their salary cap feels like you're discouraging new owners since the rebuild will be more difficult and take longer. I'm not mad at the idea I just think it could backfire. What if instead of pooling 100% of the leftover cap space we pool together the half that would've been lost and distribute the bonus based on the rankings? The more active teams should have better records and this way the SB Champ will earn something for their efforts since there's no recognition whatsoever.