Listen up Weenie……none of us buy that weak reply you’ve used over and over about being some agent of change, and if you're going to make an omelette you have to break a few eggs, blah blah blah…..

Your delusions lead you believe you’re some hero by being an agent of change for all of us poor souls stuck playing some game that’s designed by an evil ignorant empire. You’re full of it. The truth is that it’s simply convenient for you to attach yourself to some quest of greater heroic glory and lead us into the light, when you get called out.

If you were truly about trying to help make things better, then why do you chose a public forum to air your grievances? It’s not as if Sandbox is unavailable for a direct request. What’s the point of posting all this stuff for us to see? That seems like the most indirect way to get results. And, don’t fool yourself by thinking being direct is the only way to be heard. If you used the same tone in a private message with Sandbox or any other entity in power, you’d be shut down.

No….you post in this public forum because you seek attention. None of your actions here suggest you’ve ever cared about improving or changing anything for the benefit of the group. You’re rude, selfish, thoughtless, lack patience, socially ignorant and probably a pre-mature ejaculator.

If you got a suggestion for a change, then message Sandbox directly. Every time you get frustrated because you can’t figure out the basics of trying to run then football, don’t come post on here blaming your lack of football intelligence on the rules of this game.

Good luck, Weenie Boy!