he active league will be called Cardinals1 and is now open. To claim your team in the active league, click on Account Management -> My Teams. Now, click on the link at the bottom titled Create a New Team and choose your city and team mascot. Please complete this action within the next 3 days.
Only the users below will be able to sign into the new league.
1. Kingswood
2. Cmcm2297
3. tobhardtjr
4. pit1232
5. eaglesphan79
6. JackCarsten
7. Samdarnoldsucks21
8. Rampage965
9. PaperLions
10. Dbillblood
11. Reggy
12. tcavity4566
13. JohnMeynardie
14. DJ’s left nut
15. smackawits
16. Chilly
17. TambaBerry
18. Phog
19. mdboucher
20. College Football Commitee
21. UmmBerrto
22. ddeyarman
23. Kevin
24. Mpawlows
After 3 days, I will send a follow up reminder. We will then open the league up to people on standby. Post in this thread if you are no longer interested and I will make the team available to someone else.