I'm new but managed a fantasy football league with a large $$$ buy in for over 20 years starting in the mid-90's back when fantasy was first beginning. I also ran a text/email based simulation league for about 10 years in the 90's using a program called Front Page Sports Football Pro (last edition was 98...great program...wish it would have survived). I agree with TMB that a $$$ league would be fun. My 2 cents. You have to believe in the integrity of the people running the league (which you guys running Sandbox have given me no reason to question...I see bugs in the website and some basic web design that might be improved as well as some other aspects that could be included when you have time as I understand this is essentially a start up...all in all from my initial view this is a terrific league that has a great foundation and could grow into something special). If people do not trust the program and the managers, the league will devolve into whining and crying over perceived slights which currently occur but will be exacerbated greatly once money gets involved. Keep the buy in low ($18-20 is a good price...same as the league maintenance...not so high that the arguments become even more heated, but enough there is a pride factor in winning). I haven't even played a single season but would still drop in $20 as that also tends to keep owners more active. I think if the Sandbox guys were willing to take on another headache (money), they would be able to run it effectively based on my views of how they interact with the leagues (you all have great customer service).