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Thread: Here we are season timing request....

  1. #1

    Here we are season timing request....


    We lost a LOT of players last year at this time because of the lack of communication on off season timing.

    Can you please inform those of us who stuck it out when free agency will begin and when it will end. Also, which RL NFL teams will be released and the timing (like you did last year at some point).

  2. #2

    Here we go again

    Quote Originally Posted by smackawits View Post

    We lost a LOT of players last year at this time because of the lack of communication on off season timing.

    Can you please inform those of us who stuck it out when free agency will begin and when it will end. Also, which RL NFL teams will be released and the timing (like you did last year at some point).

    I might be wrong I think cdcox did say when that would happen in one of the post. But some time we all miss it because it is under some post that we don't think we nee to look at. I think Cdcox need to made a post of what his time frame is for the rest of the season and keep it up like when there was so much confusion going and and up dated each Monday so we know what to look forward to. It was a big help when we did that. And if we have any complaints we can go to a page just for that so he know what we are feeling with and if he need any help he should be able to ask us what we can do for him to help out. That might be to be patient with what he is doing. If it was not for him we would not be playing this game we all like. It is just like the Nfl there are time we all wonder what is going on. So I know he will get to it one way or another. But I do think he need to make a post when the season is done and tell us was we all want to know and keep it up at the top of the post so we know what to look for.

  3. #3

    Here we go agian

    Quote Originally Posted by smackawits View Post

    We lost a LOT of players last year at this time because of the lack of communication on off season timing.

    Can you please inform those of us who stuck it out when free agency will begin and when it will end. Also, which RL NFL teams will be released and the timing (like you did last year at some point).

    I might be wrong I think cdcox did say when that would happen in one of the post. But some time we all miss it because it is under some post that we don't think we nee to look at. I think Cdcox need to made a post of what his time frame is for the rest of the season and keep it up like when there was so much confusion going and and up dated each Monday so we know what to look forward to. It was a big help when we did that. And if we have any complaints we can go to a page just for that so he know what we are feeling with and if he need any help he should be able to ask us what we can do for him to help out. That might be to be patient with what he is doing. If it was not for him we would not be playing this game we all like. It is just like the Nfl there are time we all wonder what is going on. So I know he will get to it one way or another. But I do think he need to make a post when the season is done and tell us was we all want to know and keep it up at the top of the post so we know what to look for.

  4. #4
    As usual....NO information forthcoming.....just ridiculous.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    in transition
    Quote Originally Posted by smackawits View Post
    As usual....NO information forthcoming.....just ridiculous.
    Get used to it or leave, sorry. They don't care so why should we?

    This Sim hasn't changed in the 10 or so years I've been on it.

    It's all about writing extra code.

    Its a side gig for cocks & Kevin who have a life.

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