Originally Posted by
Wind From West
Pre emptive strike for you bragging it up about your dot league dominance Attention Whore.
I listened to you cry & bitch in dms about this sim and tried to pacify you.
I needed friends, seriously? Is that why I told you and him to f o cause I was tired of hearing you both BITCH. Neither one of you could understand it takes writing more code for your dumb as dreams. I told you both to write your own Sim, lol.
I left due to no PC you dumb****. My old phone didn't accept the Sim. At the same time, you were throwing a temper tandrum. I explained how Id been thru **** with this sim and was loling at some of your requirements to keep you active.
Theres you twos opinions and mine and the truth.
Ever wonder why I didn't join u2s FB chat to bitch about the sim?
I expected this much from you. How many leagues you win that had all the GMs active after "reset"?
Get over yourself.