Quote Originally Posted by smackawits View Post
I appreciate what you are saying and doing Kevin (and cdcox). IMO, the biggest impediment has been the turmoil of the off seasons (delay in getting season started) and the time it takes to do the drafts. Last off-season's turmoil (including the near total lack of communication from yourself and CD) is probably the reason that so many teams are currently running with a bot. IMO, one hour time limits during drafts could be cut in half......drafts are just taking too long. While the last off-season certainly got rid of those players that were "instant gratification" types, I am hopeful that a marketing strategy can be found for those of us who like to play "the long game".
I think that problem would be solved with more active teams. I believe CDCOX said it be to hard to code autopick for bot teams. And the college draft took less then a week in most leagues so I think that problem will fix itself. The first draft takes forever you are right. The late season start did lose lot of members (the trading with bot teams incident played big factor in that). Biggest thing is getting more players to join because I believe once they do they'll stick.
The downtime is an issue though. I think the active league will help with lot of that.