Quote Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
Thanks for the input, guys.

JackCarsten, are you thinking a standalone document that you can print or forward? Or would a link to a simple summary flyer on our site work?

Wind From West, yeah, that's a concern of mine. Some bot teams are going to be stronger than others, but most will be weak. Our biggest problem with retention (I think) is that people tend to leave when they have a losing season, and by definition about half of the teams will have that outcome. It'll be more for the bots. Our thinking is that maybe some people would be interested enough that they would want to build their own teams and would buy in. We knew that retention would be a challenge for this reason when we designed the game, so another option we considered was tiered pricing - full price to build your own team, and cheaper pricing to take over a bot team. But then we changed it to all-in-one pricing to take over bot teams if you like, so that model is irrelevant now.

On a related note, I took over a bot team recently that went 1-14-1. It's almost like building a team from scratch, but without the long draft. I think I'm going to enjoy the rebuild.
I think a link to a simple summary flyer would work. Just something that does a better job of selling it then me, cause I'm having a hard time getting folks interested. And if you play madden or fantasy football then can't see why you wouldn't be interested in this.