cdcox is there any way we can pick the lineups for the formations in the game. So we could use a lineup for a passing play and a lineup for a run formation. Like in a 3TE formation were if i wanted to run in this formation I would use 2 offensive line man to help out in the blocking formation that would only be use on run plays and If I use it for a pass formation I would use my TE to catch the pass. Plus we could use a line man for a FB in running formation in a Base packages. So if we say we want to run a Base Packages on are run plays we would use the line man for that in are Base Packages when we pass it we would use the FB back so is there any way you and do that so we pick the player for the lineup in pass plays and a lineup for run plays. And it would be for offensive and defense formations in the game that way we a picking the players we would like to use in the game. This would have to be a upgrade to the game could this be done and what do you think of this.