Quote Originally Posted by Kingswood View Post
Hey moron,

You're on a community board crying about a lack of community while simultaneously telling people to mind their own business...

It literally does not get dumber than that. If you want to have a private conversation, then I suggest using a private message or an email.

Otherwise you can deal with my input when I feel the desire to give it. This is very basic logic. First time on the internet?

I'm not telling People, I'm telling You.

You are a professional Piss Ant.

A punk who quit when he couldn't get his way.

Then begged his way back on after your bluff was called.

I'm sure if we took a vote amongst all the account holders, who are not actually secondary accounts for you, I am sure you and so called Master Of The Bation, would be first voted off the island.

I will admit, I would probably be third to go.

But hey, that is just what it is.

All of the greats have lovers and haters.

You Sir, just have haters and all your supporters are most likely accounts you yourself have been controlling for years.
