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Thread: Pats 1

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ddeyarman View Post
    I don't understand what just happened. Supposedly we were in the free agency period for the duration of the NFL regular season. There are still two players I was looking to bid on who never entered the league, from what I can see. More importantly, free agents I bid on were dropped from my team while players I had from the beginning who pretty much suck remain on my roster. What is going on here?
    The season started... Pats1 is playing through the 2021 Season. You had too many people on your roster so they were trimmed down. If you read this thread you just commented on, it's pretty self explanatory.

  2. #12
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    I'll have to defer to cdcox on your second question, but I think pats1 is a new league so they're not on the same schedule as other leagues. So that's probably the issue.

  3. #13
    King of the World
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    Yes, Pats1 is going to simulate the 2021 season. There was an email that went out giving several days to make your own roster cuts.
    Lead Developer of Sandbox Simulations

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