Ok, I have advanced the league year to 2022 for most leagues except Dolphins1, Jets1 and Pats1. You should start building your draft boards now. The drafts are all scheduled to begin August 27, 2022 at 1:00 PM. You should have received an email with details.

Challenge play continues to be available, but all simulations will continue to be based on 2021 NFL performances, until sometime in February. All contracts advanced by one year, so some of your players may not be under contract -- that's fine, they will still be available for challenge games until your release them or another team signs them (perhaps in free agency). Once we start drafting rookies, they will not immediately be available for challenge play because we are still simulating off of 2021 data. Rookies won't be officially available for challenge games until sometime in Feburary.

Free agency will begin around the 2nd or 3rd week of the NFL season, and we will roll out players from a few NFL teams each week. Once a player signs for another Sandbox team, they will no longer be available for challenge play on your roster, and will become available for the acquiring team. Free agency will be a new experience this year for all of the leagues.

I'm still part way through with the 2nd phase of the new subscription model. I hope to get that up before the draft. If I do, you will be able to take over existing Sandbox teams owned by inactive people. More later on that.