Quote Originally Posted by Kingswood View Post
I've noticed that when I'm down by 4, instead of kicking the field goal to be down 3, we go for 2. Most of the time we don't get it. It particularly sucks when afterwards I need a TD instead of a FG in a two minute situation.

I've also noticed that a couple of times when I'm down I've punted on 4th and long on my final possession instead of going for it. That feels like I'm literally punting the game away.

There's also been a time or two where we're down and we let the final play of the game be a downed punt. Again that feels like giving up. A punt return for the game winner may be slim odds but it's better than walking off the field with time on the clock.

One other thing that's come up is declining a penalty on the last play of the game. I'm not sure if it applies to Sandbox but accepting the penalty would allow one more play right? If that penalty puts me in FG range and I get an extra play that could cost me a game.

I get that some of this is nitpicking but I just wanted to bring it to light.

The one I love is the 3rd and Inches incomplete pass
Followed by the 4th and Inches incomplete pass
When my team runs 80% of the time.

But hey, Marshawn Lynch, so, we know it happens in real life.

Oh yeah, and the 4th and inches punt late in the 4th Quarter, those are awesome too.

Like I said before, I look forward to the future when we can log in at Game Time and call the play by play as a head coach.