Quote Originally Posted by Kingswood View Post
You're crying this much and you haven't even played a game yet... all for something that you get for a year for the cost of an hour of work. You're being obnoxious. I call it out when I see it.

Bro, I paid $2.99 for Civ Revolutions, five years ago and got well over a thousand hours of game play on my mobile, that game was abandoned years before I bought it and I spoke with the developers about themselves as well, $1.99 a decade ago for thousands of hours of Risk play and just recently $4.99 for Civ6.

Every other game I play online cost zero dollars.

If Kevin and Chris can't take somebody pointing out flaws, they are in the wrong business.

Especially when the flaws are things they have chosen to do and are completely unnecessary to accomplish the goals they are attempting to accomplish.

I accept your criticisms of me, I am very aware that when I open up myself, to give my experience to others, there will be people who do not appreciate the angles with which I see things.