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  • UmmBerrto's Avatar
    07-05-2024, 04:19 PM
    UmmBerrto replied to a thread Curious in Main Forum
    Well that's nine. I hope we will be able to make it happen
    9 replies | 246 view(s)
  • Dbillblood's Avatar
    07-04-2024, 12:46 PM
    Dbillblood replied to a thread Curious in Main Forum
    i check every so often
    9 replies | 246 view(s)
  • PaperLions's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 06:52 AM
    PaperLions replied to a thread Curious in Main Forum
    I’m back….ill be here every year that we have a season.
    9 replies | 246 view(s)
  • Kingswood's Avatar
    06-27-2024, 12:02 PM
    Kingswood replied to a thread Curious in Main Forum
    I'm still popping in every now and then. TBH, I could probably use this time to start trimming my rosters, but with pending changes (including a new...
    9 replies | 246 view(s)
  • Phog's Avatar
    06-27-2024, 12:55 AM
    Phog replied to a thread Curious in Main Forum
    I check in around every 2 weeks. But I'll get an email if something happens also.
    9 replies | 246 view(s)
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